Subi’s newest Football Team – Come and Try

Monday, July 12, 2021 - 1:58 PM

Australian Football in Western Australia is set to become even more accessible with the creation of the WA Wheelchair Football League, with Subiaco Football Club one of the three WAFL clubs chosen to be included in the inaugural competition.

Played on a basketball court with goalposts at either end, WA Wheelchair Football involves teams of five facing off against each other with two defenders, two forwards, and one midfielder. A handball in Wheelchair Football is equivalent to a ‘kick’ and an underarm throw equates to a ‘handball’ as per regular Australian Football rules.

The WA Wheelchair Football League is presented by the WA All Abilities Football Association and Manager, Hayden Marchetto says ”It’s a blast, fun, tactical, and skilful game and we encourage everyone to give it a go with or without a disability.”

The WA Wheelchair Football League will provide people living with a disability an opportunity to get involved in organised sport, which is great for their fitness and wellbeing, as well as providing a community and social environment.

Teams can be mixed gender, including a blend of players with, and without, a disability, ensuring the sport is attractive for everyone to participate; to play in a unified competition.

Subiaco CEO, Peter Capes said “The WA Wheelchair Football League is a fantastic opportunity to make the WAFL accessible to more people and the Subiaco Football Club is honoured to be one of the three WAFL clubs chosen to feature in the inaugural competition.”

The WA Wheelchair Football League will host Come and Try sessions on Sunday, July 25 and Sunday, August 1, from 1pm to 3pm at HBF Stadium, Arena 2, 100 Stephenson Ave, Mount Claremont WA with sports wheelchairs available to borrow on the day.

You can learn more about the WA Wheelchair Football League and it’s rules and register at